
Donations are unconditional, and are tax-deductible under US law.

in $US now with a credit card, or for other donation and currency options click the appropriate link below:



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Click on the appropriate donation method:
Credit card/Paypal via the internet
Predated checks
Automatic bill payment
Bank transfer (through Paypal) via the internet

For other forms of contributions, contact us to make arrangements.

1) By credit card / Paypal via the internet: Through an established international internet payment service called "Paypal" you can make secure donations with a credit card. After creating a free account with Paypal (if you do not already have one), your account will be billed for the same amount on the same day each month. You can cancel your monthly pledge/tithe at any time either through your Paypal account or by returning to this web page and

Set-up a monthly pledge/tithe for an Indefinite or a Predetermined period of time in either USD, EUR or GBP.
If your currency is not among the choices, donate in "USD".

Indefinite Period

Predetermined Period

Monthly Pledge/Tithe - Indefinite period:
$ USD per month
EUR per month
£ GBP per month

Monthly Pledge/Tithe - Predetermined period:
$ USD per month for months
EUR per month for months
£ GBP per month for months

2) By predated checks: write out individual checks - signed and predated - for all the months you wish to give, and send them to our mailing address. We accept all major currencies. If in $US make payable to the "Foundation for Divine Living". If in another currency, make payable to "Jackson or Marie Wu" (though the donation is in our name, we will deposit it into the charity on your behalf). Kindly also send us an e-mail to our e-mail address found at Contact Us so that we know to look out for it, and to inform you that we have received it successfully. If you would like a receipt for US tax purposes, let us know that as well and we will e-mail you one.

3) By automatic bill payment: program your bill payer account to automatically send monthly payments to our mailing address. We accept all major currencies. If in $US make payable to the "Foundation for Divine Living". If in another currency, make payable to "Jackson or Marie Wu" (though the donation is in our name, we will deposit it into the charity on your behalf). Kindly also send us an e-mail to our e-mail address found at Contact Us so that we know to look out for it, and to inform you that we have received it successfully. If you would like a receipt for US tax purposes, let us know that as well and we will e-mail you one.

4) By bank transfer (through Paypal) via the internet: Through an established international internet payment service called "Paypal" you can make secure donations from many different countries with a bank account. Your bank account will be billed for the same amount on the same day each month. You can cancel your monthly pledge/tithe at any time either through your Paypal account or by returning to this web page and

a) If you do not already have a Paypal account, open a free account by clicking here. Then follow Paypal's instructions to transfer funds to your Paypal account from your bank account. After successfully transferring funds, continue with step b) below.

b) Set-up a monthly pledge/tithe for an Indefinite or a Predetermined period of time in either USD, EUR or GBP.
If your currency is not among the choices, donate in "USD".

Indefinite Period

Predetermined Period

Monthly Pledge/Tithe - Indefinite period:
$ USD per month
EUR per month
£ GBP per month

Monthly Pledge/Tithe - Predetermined period:
$ USD per month for months
EUR per month for months
£ GBP per month for months

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Click on the appropriate donation method:
Credit card or Paypal via the internet
Check, Money Order or Travellers Check
Bank transfer
Bank transfer (through Paypal) via the internet

For other forms of contributions, contact us to make arrangements.

1) By credit card or Paypal via the internet:
Select a currency in which to make your one-time donation. If your local currency is not among those in the list, choose "US Dollars".
Note: For your information, using the above method, we will be charged transaction fees by Paypal. If you already have a Paypal account, there is an alternative method to gift us money for which we are not charged any transaction fees and therefore would receive the full amount of your gift. For this, you can follow these directions below (these are for the Paypal website in the USA in English. It is probably similar on Paypal sites in other countries and languages):
1) Log into your PayPal account:
2) Click on the "Send Money" tab;
3) The system will ask to which email you wish to send;
4) You put in our PayPal email which is ;
5) Before you "Continue", you click the "Personal" tab, (not "Purchase" tab):
6) and make sure to send the money as a GIFT. Then you "Continue";
7) On the final page before sending the money, it should show that there are no fees, and that the "Foundation for Divine Living will receive" the total amount given.

2) By check, money order or travellers check: We accept all major currencies. Kindly send us an e-mail to our e-mail address found at Contact Us and let us know in which currency you are giving, so that we may give you the appropriate mailing address and payment details.

3) In cash: We accept any major currency, including $US, €EUR, £GBP, $AUS. Send to our Postal address.

4) By bank transfer:

Contact us to request our banking information.

5) By bank transfer (through Paypal) via the internet: Through an established international internet payment service called "Paypal" you can make secure donations from many different countries with a bank account.

a) If you do not already have a Paypal account, open a free account by clicking here. Then follow Paypal's instructions to transfer funds to your Paypal account from your bank account. After successfully transferring funds, continue with step b) below.
b) Select a currency in which to make your one-time donation. If your local currency is not among those in the list, choose "US Dollars".

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